Natasha gave up the bottle and turned to healthy living

It's a very hard thing to do, to even acknowledge you have a issue with a substance of any kind. Yet Natasha overcome her addiction to alcohol and turned her whole life around to now help others live happier, healthier lifestyles.

By Fatz

If anyone has ever suffered substance abuse, or still struggling. You will know how hard it is to try and quit. It’s horrible and draining to know you have an issue but always living in that never ending cycle, with no hope in sight. Eventually the substance abuse issues often become worse, then you deal with insecurities, anger, depression and all the other mental health problems attached to substance abuse.



High alcohol consumption is not so uncommon, on average roughly 57% of the UK turn to alcohol during the week. That’s fine, but when you look at the emotional/mental health attachments to this substance use its shocking to see how quick a relaxing drink can turn to alcohol dependancy.


Did you know that only 18% of alcohol dependent drinkers are receiving the treatment they need, with many suffering alone trapped in a life they are not happy with. It’s also shocking to think that 1 in 4 in the UK will suffer from some sort of mental health problem, now you can see the correlation and dangers between substance abuse issues and mental health problems.



If you are looking to change your life, you should know its not an easy task but like myself and Natasha it can be done. Everyone has the ability to change their life around, everyone! 



If you really want some help then please reach out to those around you, contact the relevant services or doctors you need and feed your mind. Follow influential positive people online, read educational, motivational books, watch positive, educational videos and get some goodness inside your head to help sway your thought process. 


This is just the start to your life change, check out Natasha’s story below:


Giving up alcohol story

*LEFT PHOTO* November 2017. I don’t remember this photo being taken, i had my children with me this day, I don’t even remember putting them to bed 😖 I don’t remember anything. I know I’d drank about 5 bottles of wine and that’s how I ended up there. This was my rock bottom, I hated myself. It makes me so sad looking at that photo, but so grateful I managed to turn my life around. God knows where I’d be now if I hadn’t.


*RIGHT PHOTO* November 2020. I’m nearly 3 years sober!! The flute is filled with alcohol free wine, Im having a lovely dinner with my cousin on a Friday night. My children are happy and safe and so am I.

“I had a real big weekend, I done some things out of character and put myself in danger. I couldn’t sleep for weeks after.  ” – Natasha

Natasha knew she had an issue with alcohol when Natasha put herself in danger, which made her questioned her poor choices and negative lifestyle. This never ending cycle of needing to drink daily and needing to have alcohol in the fridge or anxiety would kick in.


It took some time to come to terms with, but eventually Natasha took action and stopped drinking. The first time she gave up alcohol it lasted 5 months but like many dealing with substance abuse she relapsed, this then lead to 7 months back with alcohol. Now Natasha is T-total and winning at life. 


The sheer fact that Natasha was able to overcome this and changed her life around would be enough for anyone to feel proud, but Natasha wasn’t finished there. Natasha took the time to start getting healthier by going on long walks, becoming a more active person. Nature and being more active is proven to help your mental health, which also helps your substance abuse. 


These small positive active choices lead to a more active lifestyle, that eventually lead to a fitness path of her very own. After some training and some self development Natasha started her very own PT business and is now helping others become healthier, happier and fitter. 

Follow Natasha below:

Listen to more of Natasha's story below:

It takes a lot to overcome any type of substance abuse, but to overcome an addiction and use that as fuel to help inspire and change others lives is admirable. Natasha is lovely down top earth lady who’s clearly a changed person living a far better lifestyle.  

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